Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A nation of ISMS

When people are out of intellectual Ammo, they resort to name calling. When liberals disagree with anyone, the words "stupid, racist, and homophobic" are the first arrows to come out of their quiver.  I have  no  intended prejudices against other races, genders, religions, national origins, per se.  I do however have huge disregard for some selected members of every group, male, white, or otherwise.  Some people are just sub-par, not because of their race but rather a lack or talent or they show their personal  provincial prejudices (How's that for alliteration) .  I respect Clarence Thomas, and Ben Carson MD, but not Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.  Does that make me racist?  I don't think so.  I would vote for Michelle Bachman or Kelly Ayotte but never for Debra Wasserman Schultz, or HIllary Clinton.  Does that make me a misogynist?  Not by my definition.  If I were to express my opinion in a public forum, I would be immediately labeled with whatever name would diminish me. LIke in grade school when you couldn't think of anything to support your argument, your opponent became a "poopy head." Anyone who disagrees with Obama is automatically a "racist" in many circles, certainly on MSNBC.  Can you say "intellectual vacuum?"

Every human being is equal to every other human being in the eyes of God, but I do not buy into the Animal Farm axiom..."All pigs are equal but some pigs are more equal than others," which seems to be shoved down our societal throats on an everyday basis.  I abhor the concept of special status for minorities and women (who by the way are a majority) or anyone else. The days when certain groups needed protection are long gone. NO more "laws" are needed. And lose the victimhood whining.  This is the 21st Century.   Why should it be a more serious crime if a white guy punches a black guy than the other way around because it is automatically a "hate crime" in the first instance? (Look it up).  Gays, lesbians, and transexuals have the same rights as I do, no more no less.  Women have equal rights to men and if they are working as hard at the same job they should be paid the same.  If someone wants an abortion, it is none of my business nor that of the government.  However, why should I pay for another's mistake or "choice"? Where are my rights?

I am not entitled to "choose" for others, but they likewise should not be entitled to "choose" for me.  I think the Second Amendment is a good example.  Believers in the full extent of the Constitutional right to bear arms don't want to be called  gun-nuts or white supremacists by someone who disagrees with them or told that a gun is only allowed for target shooting or hunting.  "My Amendment is good, yours is...not."  How come your choice is sacred, and my choice is up for debate?  How come when Conservatives and Libertarians  don't like something, like guns for example, they just don't buy one but Liberals (progressives) don't want ANYONE to be able to buy one?  I won't apologize for Evangelists who are committed to eliminating abortion from society, but I do disagree with the expansion of the Federal Government into decisions best left to the states.  Actually, these decisions are BEST left to people and their doctors not government.  But if you are one of those people who think that there is a governmental solution to every problem, then I have no sympathy for you when you decry government interference in a woman's right to choose or whatever you are being oppressed by.  You already decided that Government should have more power, EXCEPT in your chosen issue, which is a sacred cow.  I particularly am addressing those of you who voted to turn over the entire healthcare system of the US to the Federal government through Obamacare, known to Progressives as the Affordable Health Care Act after its abysmal roll out.

How come it is racist if a Caucasian-American votes for a candidate because he looks like him or her, but it's not racist if 98% of African-Americans vote for Obama? It isn't.  It is perfectly OK for people or races to exercise rational self-interest.  Were I a black person, I might have voted for President Obama.  This lack of a level playing field is just plain wrong.  Whether it is man v woman, black v white, or gay v straight, one side has no more or fewer rights than the other.  Maybe Political Correctness and favoritism is falling under its own weight.  The President with his "most transparent, race neutral" rhetoric but actions supporting specific groups has balkanized America.  Next election time, all the whites might only vote for white candidates and no other, all the males will vote only for other males, etc.  Sometimes the unintended consequences of name calling and favoritism can come back and bite one in the ass.  If that happens, the majority will prevail and that means all our politicians will be straight -white-women...majority, upon majority, upon majority. As they say in the Toyota commercials..."You asked for it, you got it."


1 comment:

  1. When it comes to media, everyone is an extremist pushing his own agenda. Fox is no better for the right's plight, oftentimes going the alarmist route to such a degree that they too are not reporting 'real news' but rather their version of the news, i.e. how we're all doomed and every wrong is some sort of perversion or conspiracy led by the Democratic party. What's safe? Who's reporting on current events without putting their own spin or spice?
