Every clear thinking person in America understands that if you continue to spend beyond your means, sooner or later, you won't be able to even pay the minimum on your credit card, not to mention the interest. Yet, these a-holes we reelect year after year can't fathom this simple rule. And WE, though fooled time after time by "If we don't pass the stimulus package, bad things will happen. We passed it and bad things happened anyway. We will have rising unemployment... we had it anyway, and if we don't raise the debt limit we will be downgraded and BAD things will happen. We raised it and... you know the rest of the story. SO, throw ALL the bums out. If they are in Congress or the White House NOW, they ARE the problem. WAKE the "F" UP America. Your government is killing the AMERICAN DREAM.
Monday, August 8, 2011
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