I was reading the Sarasota Herald Tribune this morning and there was an article about this bright-bulb who was selected for jury duty and got bored waiting to be selected so he turned on his smart-phone (should he be allowed to have one?) and went to Facebook. As luck would have it he wrote about his ordeal waiting in the jury pool to be selected for some civil liability case. He accidentally "friended" the defendant on Facebook in the case he was selected to be a juror for. Of course he got in a heap of trouble, but the real question is...by what right does the government get to threaten you and make you serve on juries? Most of these cases involve some scam where the plaintiff gets whiplash and calls 1-800-suethem. So you are supposed to take time out of the one life God gave you to sit there and deliberate on whether he or she was injured and needs a billion dollars to feel better. Really. Where does it say in the constitution that citizens, or rather people with drivers licenses, have to serve on juries even if they don't want to? You still think you live in a FREE country? Ask yourself which political candidate supports fewer laws and less government and perhaps, that would be your best choice. They reason..."How would the system run if we didn't have mandatory jury service?" Why is that my problem? Or yours? What's next... everybody has to be a school crossing guard one day a week? King George is alive and well and rules America.
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