Wednesday, September 5, 2012


We are at that point in any game,  life activity, or disease, when things could go either way.  We don't have the luxury of saying "I feel strongly both ways."  We have to choose..go for the field goal or the touchdown; do the surgery or try a different medication; elect a NEW president, or stay the course with the OLD one. I am entering the biblically promised age of 3 score and ten.  My generation will soon pass away and be replaced by each succeeding new one as long as our country exists.  I guess we had our turn to elect representatives to steer our country and now that right belongs to young and middle age voters since the consequences of these choices will follow them through their lives.  Mostly I don't think they are paying attention but that is a different issue.

As I see the world, expectations have morphed and are now different than when I was younger.  The frontier mindset has all but disappeared and has been replaced by the safety net, entitlement, the everybody gets a trophy zeitgeist. Even in medicine,  computerized treatment by algorithm, every patient gets an MRI, and we will do a physical exam if we have to, has replaced the good diagnostician who could smell disease.  Soundbites replace debate on the news.  Olympic athletes are multimillionaire professionals the rest of the year, when "in my day" they could not even accept a free pair of shoes. Things change.  It is just my hope that they change as the result of active choices of those who will have to live under the new system, not defaulting to the incremental growth of government  that crowds out everything, by its very nature, like a tumor.  That seems to be what we have, on steroids, pushed by the agenda of those currently in power.

We (the Kitty and I) went to a movie a few days ago...."2012" about Obama's true political motivations of anti-colonialism.  The audience was mostly white-haired.  Either young people are all Liberal or they don't care.  Either way, the America of my youth and middle age is gone or at least going.  European socialism has not been fatal to Sweden, and if that's what modern Americans want, so be it.  Healthcare for everyone given by doctors who got their medical training at the equivalent of junior college. Everybody gets a Toyota Corolla, and lives in a rental apartment.  Like in the old Eastern Bloc, we will pretend to work, and the government will pretend to pay us.  The new national anthem will be written by Nikki Minaj. I think that New WORLD  would be intolerable, but then again I worked way too hard in my life making it on my own.  Perhaps if we had more food stamps, welfare, and unemployment for 99 weeks back in my youth, I could have had a nice secure job from 9-5 and spent more time watching the modern version of Bread and Circus... professional sports. GO TEAM....

1 comment:

  1. The problem is likeability. Unfortunately, society today isn't driven to make voting decisions (or any other decisions for that matter) based on a candidate's credentials or stance on the issues but rather on whether or not he's "relevant" or likeable. The prize goes to the best spin doctor...and you're better off playing by those rules if you want to get ahead in the popularity race of politics.
