Saturday, December 31, 2011


Patriotic friends often send me videos and emails about how our current president is ruining America and how we will lose ALL our freedoms if he is re-elected. While I am not a fan of the current president, I think that horse has already left the barn. Freedom? How exactly do you define that? 50 years ago, before Obama was born, I had to by law register for Selective Service. All Men (women still don't have to register even though the law is still on the books) have to subject themselves to being drafted into Military service. Same as the conscription under penalty of imprisonment as exists in North Korea or any dictatorship. This was over a half CENTURY ago. Is this freedom? Serve or go to jail? (forget about anything other than your freedom to do or not do a particular thing)

You think you own your house even if you paid cash or no longer have a mortgage? Try not paying your taxes and see who really owns it. If you live on the water, you have to have a fishing license to fish off your own dock. Don't like that old tree in your front yard? Just cut it down and the Tree police will be on you like white on rice. Don't like recycling because you think it is a waste of time? Go ahead and just throw your bottles and cans in with the rest of the trash? What could happen?

If you have a spare moment or two, sit down and think of anything you do in your daily life. Then see if you are free to do it anywhere, anytime, or anyhow you want. The answer will never be YES. Someone from some level of government has passed a law, or a regulation, that has taken away most of your freedom. They just did it so slowly over hundreds of years that you don't notice it. People go to jail for smoking some wild weed called Marijuana. Pet a dolphin and you are sent up the river for a Federal crime. So when you start with all the whining about freedom of Choice, or bearing arms, or whatever, stop and see how little freedom you already have and how the politicians have stripped you of your inalienable rights and turned you into the serf that you were under King George of England, before we "WON" the Revolution. Water your lawn when you want? Spank your unruly child and children's services will take him away. Refuse to send your kid to those worthless public schools to be indoctrinated in political correctness but not taught to read? Just try it. YOU WILL BE HARD PRESSED TO THINK OF A SINGLE AREA OF YOUR LIFE WHERE YOU ARE FREE. So go ahead and just reelect Obama, it won't matter. You are already 99% enslaved. It will just get it over quicker.


  1. "Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one." - Ben Franklin

  2. Well said, Ben. But then again that was 200 years ago and now we have the community organizer and a teleprompter as our King.

  3. Better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

    Yeah, ok, I know what you see when you light the candle not might be
    thrilling, its the positive process of lighting the candle that keeps me going.

    Also a great management course titled "Non Judgmental Thinking", which was used as a tool for managing staff back in my corporate career, has also impacted my approach to life.

    Still working on my tendency or should I say copulsion to fix everything I see that needs to be fixed though!
