Monday, August 26, 2013



The Democrats and the political left are whining and complaining about the RACIST unfair Republicans and the political right.  It seems that the most unfair thing in the world is to require that a person wishing to participate in that most sacred of all American activities “voting” show some identification to prove that they are entitled to do so.  OMG, can you believe the insurmountable hurdle that has been placed in the way of the poor black and Hispanic community and others?

Of course if you want to board an airplane, or cash a check, or attend the Democratic National Convention, just to name a few activities, you need to show a government issued I.D.  All the other countries on the planet with whom we are constantly being compared because their health care system or educational system is better than ours, require a government issued I.D. to vote.  Canada, Mexico, and Germany come to mind. You can check it out.  Mexicans have to have I.D. to vote in Mexico where they are citizens but not in the U.S. where they could be illegal and no one can challenge their citizenship by requiring I.D.

One more reason why the U.S. is doomed to become one of those countries that used to rule the world.  Portugal, Spain, Italy (Rome), and England.  In our rush to be overly fair to folks that can get everywhere they want including driving without a license and insurance (in Florida, uninsured motorist auto insurance is a must for YOU to buy)  if necessary, we call it an unfair requirement that they have to leave their home to get an I.D. card to vote.  Anyone can get a free government I.D. in the same place as they would get a driver’s license. You don’t have to speak English you just have to bring in something to prove you are a citizen. The requirements are pretty slim. 

Of course, if you are the Democrat party and you depend on a huge turnout of voters who are not entitled to vote in order to win more elections, you would do whatever you could to prevent the I.D. requirement.   You will stoop as low as you can to accomplish this including playing the race card, the “Republicans hate the poor” card, and Granny, who was pushed over the cliff in the last election, won’t be able to get to the driver’s license office or her wheelchair won’t fit through the door, or something. Oh, puleeeze.  It’s not a poll tax, it’s a requirement you show you are a citizen.  They have to do it in our neighbor to the north and the other one to the south (that’s Canada and Mexico for those who went to high school in Detroit).  The current U. S.. administration can’t wait to have Canada’s health care and gun control, or to get a lecture from Mexico’s president about how to deal with our border, but when it comes to voting, we are the FAIR country.     

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