Saturday, October 9, 2010

I'm NOT supposed to....

I had lunch twice with my good friend Gene since my return from Nantucket. We ate at Demetrio's, my favorite cheap restaurant in Sarasota. I asked him yesterday if he has been reading my blog and he replied that he enjoys everything but the politics and reminded me of that old adage "Never discus religion and politics."

This photo is an old poster from WWII that expressed anti-Nazi sentiments. I am sure that there were Americans who were upset about "profiling" people back then just because they wore a swastika on their sleeve and that not being sensitive to their cultural diversity, which wasn't called that back then, was somehow un-American. We are asked today to be understanding of a new foe to the American way of life and to the Judeo-Christian American traditions. Our text books have been found to celebrate other religions at the expense of the majority, and if our President bent over backwards any further to welcome the religion from which all terrorists come, he would get the award for YOGA instructor of the year. Well, it's my blog and I want to talk about funny things, cars, hot chicks with or without bikinis, and yes... politics and religion. If I did not write about the systematic destruction of the way of life of the Greatest Generation, and after that, the way I was brought up to be an American I would but just another clueless citizen (or non-citizen) watching Deal of No Deal or the "Game." Anyone who is not keeping their eye on politics is as the saying goes "If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem." But then again, 50% of Americans do not pay ANY income tax and have NO SKIN in the game and whine incessantly about all the things government is not giving them because they had the good luck to be born here or sneak over the border. What can we expect of them...just more GIMME. For the other 50%, know that there is no limit to the amount of tax that the government wants you to pay. Sure, they suck it out of your wallet a little at a time like the "FROG in the hot water," and then one day you wake up and realize that you have nothing left and have been economically boiled to death. Then it will be too late for you and your heirs and successors.

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