Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Last week, anyone who was not Helen Keller would admit that the contender, Mitt Romney, made mince-meat out of the incumbent, Barack Obama, in the televised Presidential debate.  When the sitting President ran on the vague and fuzzy "Hope and Change" last time, we were all supposed to fall down to our knees at the epiphany of his inspired vision.  He WON because we had just come off 8 years of George Bush, and Jesus would not have won if he were the Republican candidate, and John McCain was as charismatic as a mashed-potato sandwich. Then there's Sara Palin, who though a MILF, was less than prepared.  There were other factors like a media that failed to examine the record or lack thereof of the eventual winner, and finally an opportunity for white folks to make amends for Slavery in America in the 17th century. Mostly, our country wanted someone to promise them everything.  Once elected, the President delivered on very little for any of his core constituencies.  To name a few, the Latinos did NOT get the promised Dream Act despite the president's solid majority in the House and Senate. Blacks in the inner city are even more unemployed and poorer that when he took office, and the price of gas has more than doubled to well over 5 dollars per gallon in California. Guantanamo remained open  Sure we got Obamacare.  Queen Nancy Pelosi told us we had to pass it so we would know what's in it.  We passed it and STILL have no idea what's in it.  It is unpopular except among the Obamophiles. Good thing Obama single-handedly killed Osama Bin Laden or his term would have been reduced to three successes... getting Sandra Fluke free birth control, passing Obamacare, and making solar energy seem economical compared to going to Vegas and playing Craps.

So, at this debate, the President was unable to defend his miserable record of non-achievement, and Romney reminded everyone of the facts.  The following morning, the Main-Stream-Media (almost everyone but FOX and some of CNN) Parroted the memorized bullet points of the left that the Liberal HIVE unanimously agreed upon the night before and essentially told their viewers that Romney cheated and lied and created a whole new image.  Sure it was a new image to the 70 million who watched the debate.  It was NOT the image of Romney the Democrat party had been advertising and the Main-Stream-Media had been rubber stamping.  It was the Real Romney and it was painful to see the President look at his shoes and avoid eye-contect and basically FAIL to be a modern day Cicero, without his omnipresent Teleprompter. It was like watching a Baby Seal being clubbed on the Nat Geo channel.

Now we are on the eve of the Vice Presidential debates between the young-gun Paul Ryan, and the professional politician for the past 40 years, Joe "six-pack" Biden.  Biden has to be careful of being the pompous old fart respect-your-elders guy, and Ryan has to avoid looking like a know-it-all upstart who loses his audience by telling too many boring facts, like a powerpoint lecture where the slides are filled from edge to edge with fine print you can't read from the front row. I will of course watch.  Immediately following the debate, the Democrats may go into a back room like they did last time to "get their talking points straight" before emerging to be interviewed on camera.  The Democrat attack-dog will be set loose, and Biden is very good at his job.  Hopefully, since he will be defending the same record that the President couldn't defend, he won't spend the evening blustering and name calling.  Another great Democrat vehicle of rhetoric is the "make-fun of" routine like they just did with Big Bird from Sesame Street. When Romney questioned why PBS and NPR had to get 444 million dollars of FEDERAL money to exist, rather than fund raise or sell advertising like everyone else, the Lefties made a big joke out of how Romney thought Big Bird was a bigger enemy than Dennis Koslowski or Bernie Madoff.  Romney said he liked Big Bird, he just wanted him to support himself,  Since Big bird depends so heavily on Big Government and our taxes and can't seem to make it on his own, maybe the big Yellow guy is a Democrat.

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