Saturday, October 20, 2012

EVA the One Trick Pony

A truly beautiful Latina woman, if you like them skinny without curves, Ms. Longoria played an amazing role on Desperate Housewives.  I thoroughly enjoyed her work as an actress.  I don't think she has been in anything noteworthy since the series ended.  Her brief marriage to an athlete made her Eva Longoria-PARKER and now she is just Eva LONGORIA again.  I wish that were the whole story.  Ms. Longoria is playing a very active role in the re-election of President Obama.  She recently "TWEETED" an idiotic message...something to the effect that no black or latino person should ever vote Republican because she said so and that Republicans are Twa*s. Anyway, EVA, stick to acting where your intellect or lack thereof does not show through.  You are a fine actress and a beautiful woman but a Rhodes Scholar you ain't.  Once again you have demonstrated that being a successful actress or celebrity does not require the type of intelligence normally associated with thinking difficult thoughts.  I am sure that there are other forms of intelligence required to be as successful as this lady, and she apparently has them. Those kinds of intelligence, however,  do not prepare a person to analyze and interpret the economy, foreign policy, and other issues associated with choosing our leaders wisely.  As for those of us who admire your work and your beauty, let us pray that we can realize that taking advice from you about politics or life in general may not be the wisest thing to do.  I think this is a good general rule.  If a famous doctor gives advice about finance, run he other way.  Same goes for celebrities giving advice about world affairs.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sofia vergara is waaaaay hotter. I hope she doesn't spoil it by opining on politics. Unless she secretly has a degree in politic science from the Universidad de Va-Va-Voom.

  3. Well, the other main difference between these two ladies is that one is Texan and the other is a Colombian import, and something tells me Sofia is way too grateful for what this country has given her career to bother getting involved in the political banter.

  4. How phenomenal that we live in a country where we can ALL express our beliefs about any and every thing (even when it might not be particularly well phrased or politically correct.) I love that I can hear you - and then decide to either agree or disagree with you - AND even blog about it, if I choose. Kudos to you, Phil, for expressing a point of view without (too much) disparaging of the object of your observation.

    A couple of things (from this fellow observer):

    You say that Ms. Longoria should stick to acting where her intellect or lack thereof does not show through. Having had the ability to see behind the curtain of professional acting - the really talented ones (as you seem to believe she is) could not effectively do what they do without said intellect. You suggest that that being a successful actress or celebrity does not require the type of intelligence normally associated with thinking difficult thoughts. I respectfully submit that nothing could be further from the truth. Of course, we could get into a deep discussion on what constitutes "thinking difficult thoughts." Give me the task of analyzing a complex jobs report any day over the job of digging deep within to find the authentic terror, anger, resentment, fear, hopes and dreams associated with a complicated character. Most people don't do "vulnerable" very well with the people closest to them. Try doing it in front of 10 million people. Doing it well. So that people forget they are watching an actor and feel what the character is feeling.

    Then again, I guess I'm talking about emotional intelligence and you are speaking of a different kind of intelligence. I simply don't agree that her opinion is any less valid because she isn't an economist or a financial planner. We can find left-brained analytical wizards on both sides of every issue who can give you facts and data as to why their assertions are correct. So which ones do we disregard and disparage if they are BOTH coming from (objectively described) "intelligent" people.

    Oh. I know. The ones we don't agree with, right?

    Submitted with the utmost love and respect,
