Thursday, November 8, 2012


The Kitty and I put our hearts and souls into following the race for President.  We watched about 2 hours of FOX News every night.  In keeping with the aphorism "Know you friends, but know your enemies better" we also tuned into the other mainstream media channels.  We had convinced ourselves that the Romneys had at least a "chinaman's chance" of dispossessing the current occupants of the White House... Mr. and Mrs. Puff Daddy. We both believed that the entire future of the free world rested upon the outcome of this election.  If the incumbent won, we would turn into Vermont or Sweden and we could all go out on unemployment until QE45 made the dollar worthless and someone had to actually get a job.  Romney was the savior who would restore fiscal sanity to America and the chronically unemployed would somehow catch the fever and get retrained in high technology and prefer to earn a paycheck rather than get one from the government.   Prius cars would disappear from our streets and Coal miners could once again get black lung disease and be treated by private insurance.

We watched on election night as things did not go the way some of the pundits on FOX predicted, especially that blowhard Dick Morris.  There was no groundswell of Evangelicals and Catholics who hated Obama's stance on Abortion, Contraception,  and mandatory insurance that covers both.  The lines at the poling places in Dade and Broward counties looked like spectators queued up to get into a World Cup soccer match or a Beyonce' concert.  The incumbent's lead grew and grew all over America until it became obvious that the Great White Hope would not lead us out of the depths of depravity and socialism.  The power of the Magic Underwear was no match for Chicago-style lying cheating and stealing votes, and "Community Organizing." By 11 pm it was OVER.  We have not watched a single moment of Political news since.

There are several lessons we could have learned from this process.... Watch Sofia Vergara on Modern Family instead of Megyn Kelly on FOX News.  Politics imitates any way you can because morality and decency are no longer a part of the fabric of America.  When the Save the Seals Foundation comes knocking asking for money to support their charity, tell them "You gave at the office... the IRS office." The people have spoken. They want government to solve all their problems and provide all their needs.  Let's me off the hook except when I pay taxes.  My recycling bin is right next to my mail box... how convenient when PBS and Planned Parenthood mail solicitations for contributions.


  1. It's a dirty game and if you want to win, you have to play by the rules. Dare I quote Tess McGill from Working Girl: "You can bend the rules plenty once you get to the top, but not while you're trying to get there. And if you're someone like me, you can't get there without bending the rules."

    Today's society is evolving at the speed of light, and not growing in the ways we'd hope: social issues are taking the front seat to matters of economy, healthcare and jobs. Just like you say above, the voters have spoken and they want government to solve all their problems. This is very much the "what's in it for me" generation, and sadly, they have found the perfect mouthpiece in BO for this ideology. The electorate doesn't relate to the Romneys and will so less and less with every coming election. So the moral of the story is this: the Republicans need to either completely change their game plan (i.e. find a way - and a the right person - to support the social issues that are influencing voters' allegiance - while pushing the fiscal policies of the right, or we can guarantee a Democrat will claim the White House again in '16.

  2. I believe it was P T Barnum who said "never give a sucker an even break." Just substitute Democrat and comport your life accordingly. How do you identify these people? Pretty obvious I would think, even without the yard signs.
