Tuesday, February 1, 2011


So it shall be done. The words of Yul Brenner as Pharaoh...oft repeated. Here we have another country that lead the world "back in the day" with science, and medicine. It is rumored that the process they invented to preserve mummies is used in Twinkies and Little Debbie cakes today so that their shelf life is infinite. Anyway, as I was saying, this is one of the greatest civilizations on the planet and it is reduced to street rabble marching on their museum of antiquities and tearing the head off King Tut. This reminds me of our founding with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and such and our present day "Jay Walking" Tonight Show interviews of average Americans. All civilizations I guess are destined to collapse when ignorance becomes pervasive and intelligence and achievement become suspect.

One thing I am certain of in the present Egyptian Crisis is that our government will back the wrong side. We backed Mao in China as the great agrarian reformer. We supported Fidel Castro as "the Robin Hood of the Caribbean." We not only let the Shah of Iran get kicked out but in the ensuing power vacuum, we sat idly by and watched the Ayatollahs abscond with the country. So now, we have to deal with Amanutjob. There is something in the American psyche that feels the need to export democracy to the whole world even if the inhabitants of a particular country are living in caves and worshiping goats. Free elections for all. Dictators are all bad. But then again...have you heard that our president wants to have the power to turn off our internet in a crisis?

I was asked by some of my loyal readers to opine on this issue and other current ones (presumably the health care bill). My opinion in a nutshell is that unless the Egyptian Army takes over the country and eventually transitions to a civilian government, the Muslim Brotherhood will seize power and another Iran will be created. 70% of the Egyptian population believes Sharia law should be the law of the land. On the other hand, the Army is religiously neutral and would be the best chance for a more secular society. Promises of some money from the US would be helpful. It would be better spent before we have to fight another war. It costs us more in a week in Afghanistan than it would cost to infuse some front loaded cash into their society because people are less likely to riot if their bellies are full.

Speaking of Afghanistan, if Egypt becomes another state controlled by Hamas, Hezbollah, or the Brotherhood, we might as well PULL OUT of Afghanistan because our erstwhile reason for being there is to defeat AlQuaida. If Egypt falls, every country in North Africa except Israel will be training jihadists and we might as well bring our troops home.

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