Sunday, July 11, 2010


I'm more culturally diverse than most, and fully understanding of the ethnic differences that make up America. I preferentially eat at exotic restaurants, I drive foreign cars, speak other languages, and most of my electronics are made in China, but not my drywall. I would never look at or hear a Mexican speak and assume he came over the border in the middle of the night without a visa. I have a home in Miami where I am often the only Anglo in the room (including when I am with my extended family) when I go to a business or restaurant. None of this bothers me, in fact I celebrate it as being the basic building block of what has made out country great. We were known as the MELTING POT, where we all joined together, contributed our differences and became alloyed into Americans.

Somehow the a-holes we elected to lead us spoiled all this . They invented the HYPHENATED-American. Now we are no longer just plain Americans whose ancestors or we ourselves came over here from some other place, we are now African-Americans, Polish-Americans, Transylvanian-Americans.. whatever-Americans. It has caused balkanization and separation and fragmented our society into a SMORGASBORD where none of the tastes and smells touch one another. Instead of "E Pluribus Unum" (out of many one people) we have decided that every child going to school has to be taught in his or her native language, and if you vote or get a driver's license, you can do it in Swahili or Bulgarian if that is your wish. In fact, in CA-lee-for-nee-ah, they don't even ask you how you want your children educated. If you have a latino surname, your kid gets shoved into a spanish educational track.

So as I think back at what made our country great, the union of the 13 colonies into the original United States, the boatloads of immigrants coming to America to become Americans (without the hyphen) still holding onto their Kielbasas and Tacos and their religions and perhaps their language for a generation or two, I know why we were a strong nation and why TODAY we are rapidly throwing ourselves over a cliff like lemmings. Just like Steel which gets stronger when other metals are alloyed into it, we were stronger until race baiters and opportunists learned that cultural diversity can mean divide an conquer and power for them. If the morons who push this crap on a national level had been around when our country was born, it would not have been born at all. We would be thirteen countries....Massachusetts, Virginia, etc.

The height of stupidity was evident the other day when I heard some PC jerk refer to a black speaker on TV as an African-American. The speaker was an ambassador from an African country. I will NOT use the hyphenated-American term. You are either an American or you are not. You don't have to speak English, or wear Jeans and a T-shirt with Hillfiger on it, you can have a turban, a beard, or a serape. You just have to drop that HYPHEN or you and your children will NEVER be Americans. You will still have one foot in your home country. Bring the customs here, but leave your HYPHEN. We already have enough.

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