Saturday, July 3, 2010

TV or not TV, That is the Question

I waited around yesterday afternoon at our apartment for the "Cable Guy" to show up. We have had 4 channels for the past month...ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS. As a result, we have mostly used the "Box" to watch DVDs...and I have reported on the movie choices we made. Because of some transcendental need "to know what is going on in the world" we opted to install COMCAST. We now have lots of TV channels, including some which are not complete bullshit. I accept that at night having more choices including HBO is a good thing. Some of our DVD choices were "dogs" and I welcome some of the summer specials.

This morning I turned on FOX News "to know what is going on in the world" and this guy, Karl Rove, popped up like Freddy F'ing Kruger. I have not seen this SOB for the past month because we did not have the channel he haunts. Sure he was Deputy Chief of Staff under President Bush and has huge political credentials, but there is something about him that makes you want to put your head in the toilet and pull the lever. I don't know if it is the subject matter, politics, which by its very definition is "icky" or the pomposity of this guy. Rove was deeply ingrained in the abomination that was the Bush administration (for the record I usually vote Republican) and obviously complicit in their "spend like a drunken sailor" and "invade people who piss us off" policies. That administration was so awful that people voted against Bush even though he served two terms and could not run again. Americans voted for a complete incompetent because Mother Teresa could have been on the ballot for the Republicans and all everyone could see was Bush. Rove was part of those 8 years of incompetence that set the stage for the present (possible) 8 years of greater incompetence.

So after a brief exchange of words about the newly acquired 500 channels of "God knows what," I vowed never to "bust my groove" of Nantucket induced tranquility by turning this a-hole and his cohorts on ever again. Speaking of electronically induced coma, that goes for e-mails as well. Any e-mail I get that begins "You're not going to believe what Obama said..." or pretty much anything other than "Topless beaches of France" or "Funny jokes with no subliminal political message" gets instantly dragged to the trash.

So, Karl, if you are reading this, go away and bring all your talking heads with you. From the LEFT or from the RIGHT, I refuse to test my gag reflex watching the likes of anyone who has or will have, ever, anything to do with politics. If I feel the need to lower my IQ, there are so many other options on TV and now, thanks to COMCAST's menu, they don't have to include Karl Rove.

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